Week 4 Story: The Turtles who Helped Saint Gudwall

Updated Version: The Turtles Who Helped Saint Gudwall

Saint Gudwall lived on the Welsh coast in a cave. The coast is known for it's beautiful scenery and awful storms in the winter. Saint Gudwall and his people had made themselves at home in a nice cave where they felt they would be safe from anything that came their way. The cave had furniture, books, beds, and other essential things. One winter, a big storm rolled into the Welsh coast and the waves and surge started to get larger and larger. Saint Gudwall was aware that the waves were beginning to come into their cave more and more as the storm rolled in. Before they knew it a huge have came in and wiped everything out of the cave and let Saint Gudwall full of sand and sea water. He knew that climbing out of the cave was one of the only ways to stay alive. As they reached the top of the cave they realized they were on a cliff. Saint Gudwall and his pupils were scared, cold, and had no where to go or live; they had lost everything. Just in that instance a small brown thing appeared from the sea. Confused Saint Gudwall then realized that the turtles came to help him because they knew he was a lover of animals. The turtles called all the turtles in the sea and they all contributed a piece of a sea shell in order to build a wall between Gudwall's cage and the ocean. This wall was so sturdy that no amount of storm or wave would be able to knock it down. Saint Gudwall and his pupils were able to live in the cave forever and ever without the fear of being washed out of it again.

Bibliography: The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts by Abbie Farwell Brown (1900).

Author's Note: In the original story, when winter rolled around a strong storm approached and before Gudwall knew it a huge wave rushed into his cave and tossed everything around. The waves did not stop and Gudwall and his pupils needed to get out of the gave to they started climbing to the top. When at the top of the cave, they were on a cliff. The cliff was safe but it was freezing and there was no way they could live on top of the cliff. Before they knew it they saw a brown thing rising out of the water. The fish had started building a wall grain by grain to protect Gudwall's cave from the terrible waves of the winter. The fish saved the day and saved Gudwall's home.


  1. Hi Christina!
    I really like how you altered this story, mainly because I have a love for sea turtles. On a side note, I actually volunteered in Costa Rica for four weeks to help with turtle conservation projects and we got to release baby turtles into the ocean. It was awesome. Anyways, I enjoyed your story a lot and I really like the picture of the turtle! I like how you kept the idea the same but changed the animals to make it unique. Good job!

  2. Hi Christina!

    I actually got to read your portfolio version of this story, so reading the original was quite interesting! Its amazing to see how much more detail is in the update version compared to the original. It really did add a good layer of complexity and vividness to the characters and setting! Anyways, I really enjoyed reading both versions of your story and can't wait to find out whats in store!

  3. Christina,
    I really enjoyed the simplicity of your story. Only changing a few details here and there gave it a really nice touch. Although short, I think if you broke the story up into a couple paragraphs with transitional sentences/words it would really take it to the next level. Great work!


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