Feedback Thoughts

When it comes to feedback, I really like to hear what other people think about my work as well as what I can fix to make my work better. I enjoy reading what other people have to say and if they like or dislike what I have to say. I feel like I also learn a lot from reading feedback whether the feedback is coming from a peer or a teacher. After reading through some of the articles about feedback there were two of them that really caught my attention. The first one that caught my attention was The Psychology of Comparison and How to Stop. I feel like it is very human to compare yourself to other people, your work to other people, and so on. I often find myself comparing things I do to other people and I would say it is not a healthy thing to do especially if you get caught up in comparing everything in your life. The post had a bunch of helpful things as to what to do when stopping comparing yourself to others. My favorite thing it says is to "be a racehorse" because racehorses to not look side to side when they start the race or during the race, instead they just run the race to the best of their ability. I think this post can relate to feedback because other people may be way better writers than me but I should not compare myself to them. Another article that caught my attention was Silence the Critical Voices in your Head. I always hear that "yourself is your biggest critic" and I would have to say that stands true with me. I often find myself being hard on myself about school, fitness, and other things when I should not be criticizing myself. This article says that those critical voices inside your head can lead to depression. The article suggests finding five positive voices for every negative voice. Starting right now I am going to start doing that and finding five positive things for every time I criticize myself. Although this will probably be really hard at first I think it will be very beneficial in the long run. Being positive and looking forward to the future is such an important thing in life. Im happy that I read these articles that will help me giving feedback as well as just in life in general. 

Constructive Criticism (MEPN)


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