Growth Mindset

Before watching the videos, I had not heard of Carol Dweck or the Growth Mindset before. However, after watching all three of the videos the second one really stood out to me because I hear something similar to what Carol Dweck was saying on a daily basis. My cheer coach always tells us to get comfortable with being uncomfortable which is similar to what is said in the video. Carol says to make challenge the new comfort zone in meaning that you should never really be satisfied with yourself and you should always continue to push yourself to learn more, do more, etc. This is very true in cheerleading and my coach never stops pushing us to be the best that we can be. Once we master a skill or start to become good at something she introduces us to a harder skill that we have to work even harder to accomplish. I also think that this is something to live your life by everyday. For me sometimes I get into the habit of just going to class, doing my homework, and studying for my tests without really engaging and learning about the subject. This semester I am going to put an emphasis on making my new comfort zone by challenging myself each and every day with school, my health, fitness, social life, and cheerleading.

Growth Mindset Meme (cheezburger)


  1. Christina,

    I think you make a great point that, in order for the growth mindset to be successful, you really have to apply it to all areas of your life. Whether it is cheerleading, student involvement, or your career, adopting this kind of resiliency and growth-focused mindsets is certainly important to success. Getting in to habits can be a good thing or a bad thing... really depends on what habits you let yourself get into!

  2. I definitely agree that it's really easy to just fall into habits and not push yourself. I know that I sometimes fall into this with my classes - there are ones where it's too easy to just put the minimal effort in and not really care. It's good to hear that your coach pushes you in one part of your life, and hopefully that's helping you do it elsewhere too!


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