Reading Notes: Bible Women, Part B

Esther 1:King James Bible (1611): Esther 2

I would like to focus on the specific part of the story of Esther in which Esther goes to the king just as the other girls did. However, this experience is different for Esther because she immediately wins favor of everyone who sees her and people are fascinated by Esther. She was taken to King Xerxes who was very attracted to Esther more than any other woman he had seen. King Xerxes crowned Esther queen instead of Vashti and through a big banquet for this occasion and declared a holiday.

  • To me, Esther portrays a sense strong willed and independency throughout all of the stories about her. After looking at the pictures of her online as well I think that she was a very strong willed woman and I think it would be easy to base stories off of a woman like her. 

Key points

  • Esther was taken into the palace and put under the watch of Hegai
  • A lot of other girls were also taken into the palace because of the kings orders
  • The girls would go in front of the king and other high up officials and some would be liked and some would not be. 
  • When Esther was presented to the King, she won the favor of everyone in the room
  • Esther was crowned queen. 
Queen Esther (Women in the Bible)
Mary and Elizabeth: King James Bible (1611): Luke 1
This story stood out to me because I knew of how Mary became pregnant without being with any man and how the holy spirit confronted her and said you should name your son Jesus. However, I did not ever read into this part of the story in which Mary goes to the town of Judea and meets Elizabeth. I liked this story because of the events that happen in it, I think I could use something along the lines of this in future stories. 

  • Mary receives the news that she is pregnant
  • Mary goes to the town of Judea and meets Elizabeth.
  • When Mary greets Elizabeth, Elizabeth's child that is in her womb "leaps" and is filled with the Holy spirit. 
  • Elizabeth refers to Mary as the mother of her Lord
    • To me this was probably reassuring to Mary because I am sure that she was kind of confused and overwhelmed by everything that was happening. 

Since theses stories sometimes get a little confusing, I have also been looking at the website Bible Gateway to further help me understand the stories. 


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