Reading Notes: Myth-Folklore Anthology

The Indian Who Wrestled with a Ghost
Source: Myth and Legends of the Great Plains by Katharine Berry Judson (1913)

This story caught my attention because it is a very supernatural story and ghosts intrigue me.
One character that stuck out to me was the old lady/ghost. Here are some of her characteristics:

  • wore a skin dress with long fringe
  • buffalo robe around her waste
  • a necklace with large beads
  • leggings covered with beads
  • a robe over her head
The characteristics show that the old lady ghost is from an older time and was probably an indian that lived in the forest. Her actions are very mysterious.

Source: The Key of Gold by Josef Baudis (1922)

The plot of this fairytale is one that stuck out to me and I think I could use it in a story in the future.
  • Mother asks daughters what they want from the store
  • One daughter, Mary, wants something so simple: three roses
  • The mother goes to get the three roses and picks them without asking and there is a consequence. A basilisk came and demanded the daughter in exchange for the roses.
  • Since the roses were already picked, the mother had no choice but to agree to this offer. 
  • The daughter was sent to the castle and followed the basilisks orders.
  • Near the end of the story, the bailisk asks Mary to cut his head off and she does and a serpent appears and then the serpent asks Mary to cut his head of and she does.
  • Then the serpent was changed into a handsome youth and held the keys to the castle.
  • They got married in the castle.
This story takes a lot of ups and downs, at first it is a simple story and then a twist happens in the middle which seems like the one daughter Mary will be doomed for the rest of her life. However, at the end of the story there is a twist and she ends up getting married and living in the caste. I have attached an image of a basilisk because I was not familiar with what it was before reading the article.

Basilisk by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch (1747-1822).


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