Reading Options

Wow, I must say the Un-textbook has a lot of information and some pretty interesting stories too! I feel like I could click around and look at different articles on that sight for a long time, but I guess it is time to do some work. When clicking around I found myself staying near topics that are familiar to me. The first topic I came across was the Nursery Rhymes Unit. To my surprise, there are way more nursery rhymes than I could have ever imagined. Ones that told stories, paradoxes, riddles, and many more. I feel like I would do more reading in this unit because I am familiar with some aspects of nursery rhymes but I could also learn a lot more about this specific topic. Another reading that I came across that I found very interesting was the Unit: Great Plains and more specifically The Creation part of the unit. I liked this story because it was easy to read and kept me entertained. Also I have learned about the Great Plains before so I would like to learn more about them and the myths and folklores dealing with the Great Plains. One other section that I would really want to read more about in the future would be the unit on Adam and Eve. I grew up going to church and attending church camps and I would really like to read all about the articles on Adam and Eve and how the story has come to be today. Here is one of the photos that caught my eye when browsing through the Adam and Eve unit. I enjoy how much intensity this photo holds.


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