Technology Tools and Tips

I will say getting used to another website besides canvas has been wind of hard for me especially switching back and forth, but I'm sure I will get used to it. One thing that I have already found super helpful are the different links and instructions that are given to us in order to explain the more complex technology aspects that I will be dealing with in the course. I would say that I am kind tech savvy but only to a certain extent. I have already learned so much more about technology and blogging than I knew before I started this course. One thing that I found super helpful to learn about was how to make words into a link without putting the whole address in the blog/paper. I think that this is a skill that I will use beyond this class and will be very helpful in my academic career. I am looking forward to all of the other things I will learn in this class because it is only week one!

Technology Worm by Mira


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