Growth Mindset Challenge: Make a Mindset Acronym

The acronym I came up with is:
Every single day

This acronym hits home for me because sometimes I find myself not doing something or not doing something to the best of my ability because I fear what may happen. I also sometimes fear about my future and what it all holds. This acronym reminds me to not fear and just live life every single day no matter what. I did not create a graphic for the acronym because I am not very creative.


  1. This is such a fabulous acronym, Christina! As you know I like the cheezburger cats, so I made a cat with it: LIFE Cat. And really, making images with cheezburger is easy. I don't actually know anything about graphics software, but I like cheezburger. There are all kinds of pictures there, not just cats. :-)

  2. Hey Christina! Like Laura Gibbs said, this is fabulous! I love that it spells out LIFE and encourages living fearlessly. Sometimes we all need this reminder to not be held back by failures but rather use it as opportunities to overcome. Maybe you could find a cat graphic next time from Google!!! Good job!


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