Week 10 Story: The Forest of Animals and Birds

Once upon a time there was a huge fight between the animals and the birds in a forest. The forest they lived in was full of huge trees, plentiful nuts, plants, and fruits, and large rivers. Even though there was enough food and water for everyone the animals and birds could not seem to live together in the forest peacefully. There was constant fights over the water, food, and where each of the animals and birds lived. One day the leader of the animals, the bear, and the leader of the bird, the eagle, decided that they would play a game of baseball in order to decide who would be in charge of the forest.

All of the animals and birds gathered in an open field on one Saturday morning. There was tension in the air as each of the teams warmed up and got their heads in the game. Right before the game was about to begin two little mice walked up to the birds and asked the eagle if they could join his team. The eagle was very confused by this because the mice could not fly, did not have wings, and should obviously be on the animals team. However, the mice said that they tried to play with the animals, but they were not accepted and made fun of for being so small. Out of pity, the eagle decided that they could play on the birds team. The eagle thought and thought about how to make wings for the mice so that they could be disguised as birds. Finally, he decided that he would stretch out the skin of both mice to make it look like they had wings. After doing this, the mice turned into flying squirrels. They were able to jump from tree to tree and glide through the sky.

When the game began the animals and the birds were tied for eight innings. In the last inning, the flying squirrel made a game winning catch and the birds were handed the victory. The animals tried to say that the birds cheated by having the mice on their team. However, the mice were no longer mice anymore, they were flying squirrels. All animals big and small learned that day that they should never judge a book by its cover. Though the mice were small, they ended up being the key for winning the game in the end.

The days following the game, the birds were in charge. The birds, however, decided that they did not want to be mean to the animals or take anything away from them. Instead they set simple rules so that the animals and birds could live in the same forest in harmony. To this day animals and birds still live together all over the world with no problems.

Author's Note: The beginning of this story is very similar to the story The Ball Game of the Birds and Animals. The birds and animals decided to play a ball game in order to sort out some of their differences. The mice who are not accepted on the animals team because they are "too small" then turn to the birds team to be accepted. Although the birds accept them out of pity, the mice are the reason why the birds win the game. In my story, I go into detail about what happens after the game is over. The birds are now the rulers of the forest, but decide that they want to live in peace with the animals and do not want to be cruel leaders. They set simple guidelines for how the forest will run and still today animals and birds live together in forests.

The Ball Game of the Birds and Animals
Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney (1900).


  1. Hi Christina!
    I love the image you used for this story. The flying squirrel is so cute! I like how you incorporated what happens after the original story -- that's a tactic I hadn't thought of. I'll have to try it! I like how you laid out the guidelines for the forest so that the animals can all live in harmony. Great story, can't wait to read more!

  2. Hi Christina,
    Great story! You did a really good job of describing the events of the story. It was fun to read.
    The picture of the flying squirrel is adorable. I like that you expanded the story and you did an awesome job using your Author's Note to explain to the reader what exactly you changed and what you kept the same!


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